Schaaf Floral

Schaaf Floral

Posted by Schaaf Floral on October 9, 2009 | Last Updated: August 23, 2013 Uncategorized

Wedding Toast used in Spain

To the lady of my dreams – I’m down on bended knee
To ask for your hand – With all the love you see
I present you with the perfect ring – The special one of your choice
Knowing how much you love I – It makes my heart rejoice!!

A wedding proposal needs a toast – And I have some Brut Rose Champagne
Since I’m the happiest guy in the world – Audi, your love helps me maintain
The promise ring was wonderful – It gave both of us a chance
To let our love grow and grow – We truly had a wonderful dance!!

So darling, raise your glass – I propose a toast to you and me
To the woman of my dreams – From the man filled with ecstasy
May our love continue to grow – And may all our dreams come true
So Audi, will you marry me – Now for the moment of truth, please say, I do!!