A Lion That Roars!!
Here’s to a Fridley Lion – Who has truly helped this club
He’s active, fun loving and funny – At home or in a pub
Lion of the year he’s won – At least two times or more
When it comes to spread sheets and numbers – His ability you can’t ignore!!
He’s presently head referee – Of the State High School League
In charge of the wrestling officials – A job with much intrigue
He started out at the bottom – After his college wrestling career
Always eager to lend a hand – He’s truly a Lion, he’s made that clear!!
But first let’s share some stories – About this well rounded guy
He’s literally a local legend – Not quiet, laid back and shy
On a trip to the wrestling finals – Lion Ron had a left handed car
That’s a car that wouldn’t turn right – I know this sounds bazaar!!
So down and back to Ames Iowa – Left hand turns were all he made
Dawn Meyers was riding along – So the truth in this case is hard to evade
Now back in his high school days – He wrestled for the state championship
If the match had lasted 5 seconds longer – Ackerman would have won, he had more zip!!
Told by a local wrestling coach – Who witnessed our man at the scene
Wrestlers are a funny breed – With a couple in our club, you know what I mean
Lion Ron has chaired the softball tournaments – That are run with precision and grace
Everything is on a spreadsheet – With every “I” dotted and in place!!
When the Fridley Lions ran into trouble – Not knowing what a budget was
How much we’d given to whom – And the club members were all a buzz
Up stepped the man with the spreadsheet – With a plan we all embraced
Set aside what you’ll need for the future – So we don’t end up broke and disgraced!!
Oh there’s just one more story – Lion Glaser and I heard this first hand
Lion Ackerman after a softball tournament – Picked up a hitchhiking, homeless man
He then took the guy bar hopping – There was just one hitch in this scene
Ron’s buddy who had ridden along – Had to call his wife who was not so serene!!
Lion Ron has also streamlined our new web site – To quote Lion Wiborg, we’ve gone green
What a beautiful job he’s done – You should all take a look on your computer screen
Lion Golden perhaps said it best – When summing up what he’s seen over the years
“This guy is so smart he makes it look simple” – Lion Ackerman never looks for cheers!!
So Lion Ron we thank you – You’ve been a great role model for all to see
Whatever you’re strength is, use it – I think each of us would agree
Next year you’ll be our President – So I’m sure there will be more to come
I’ll leave you all with this last thought – Always, I mean always, move away from the thumb!!
Lion Bud Dauphin 10/2009