Minneapolis St. Paul Local Floral Delivery
Local floral delivery – Is quite a tricky term
Getting something delivered in rush hour – Can cause many a florist to squirm
Minneapolis and St. Paul – Has road construction up the wazoo
If you’re trying to deliver to a business – By 4PM your delivery had better be through
People leave work at different times – So calling ahead is a pretty good move
Then picking the best route – And your chances will exceedingly improve
Is it a downtown delivery – If so, will there be parking nearby
When the God’s are totally with you – There’s a meter out front which causes a sigh
Worst case, its rush hour – There is no place to park
You end up walking 6 blocks – Which is really no lark
The recipient was supposed to stay late – They knew you would arrive soon
But they decided to leave early – Now you’re between doom and gloom
Do you have a home phone number – Probably not, what do you do
You try to reach the sender – To see if they have a clue
If none of this works – Its leave messages for all concerned
Then fight your way back to the store – And review what you have learned
The flowers go in the cooler – To await what happens the next
Sometimes the person ordering – Now cancels the order because of time
An anniversary or birthday is over – We understand, it’s no crime
So now you see just SOME of the trials – And tribulations that florists go through
To deliver flowers locally in Minneapolis and St. Paul – We truly do what we have to do!!
© Bud Dauphin 2013