In a discussion with ArTae Conforti, he brought up the issue of replacing flowers. ArTae is the master of common sense marketing so I listened intently. After the conversation I penned this rhyme, because as I have said in the past, it’s easier for me to rhyme the words than to just write them. It makes sense though, we fight like heck for customers and when something goes a little wrong, our customers have to go away happy or we’ve lost them to someone else.
Man in the Jug
Customer Service at Schaaf Floral
Think about this – One moment if you please
What a person goes through – This is not done with ease
To return your flowers – That did not meet the test
Follow the logic – You can see why they’re distressed!!
They have to box up the arrangement – Then put it in the car
Drive back to the your floral shop – Because that’s where you are
When entering the store – Say there’s a scowl on your face
Here’s probably what will happen – They’ll slam down the vase!!
But met with a smile – And a sincere “What’s wrong”?
Followed by “let me replace that” – With a caring voice that’s strong
For if they didn’t feel sincere – Would they have made the trip
To voice their displeasure – Or just to hear themselves Yip!!
It is part of the business – Sometimes things go awry
A flower wilts down – Or unexpectedly they die
That’s not the problem – But it’s an opportunity for you
You can use it to your advantage – If you know what to do!!
In front of you is a customer – Do you know what a new one would cost
You might have to calculate that – If this one is lost
Or with your face beaming – Tell them,”I can make that right
Let me replace your arrangement” – Then make it pretty and bright!!
You’ve not only kept a customer – But believe me the word will spread
I’ve got a professional and ethical florist – Because of the actions you exhibited
So remember this message – The next time an opportunity comes in
Handle your customers with care – So they leave with a grin!!
©Man in the Jug/2007