Schaaf Floral

Schaaf Floral

Posted by Schaaf Floral on February 2, 2020 | Last Updated: February 13, 2020 Uncategorized

A Basic Guide to Growing Indoor Succulents

Succulents have become some of the most beloved houseplants, and it’s really no surprise. They’re in-style, easy to care for, and affordable. What’s not to love? Plus, they’re fun to collect because they grow in an endless combination of colors, sizes, shapes, and textures. If you’re planning to update your Minneapolis office or home with potted succulents, take a moment to look through this quick guide to growing indoor succulents from the experts at Schaaf Floral.

How Succulents Differ from Other Plants

The primary differentiator between succulents and other green plants are their leaves. Succulents have thick, rubbery leaves and spines that help them store water with extreme efficiency. As a result, they’re very well adapted to living in harsh, arid climates where rainfall is scarce.

Various Succulent Plants

The Wonderful Reasons Why You Should Grow Indoor Succulents

Succulents will help you create a calm atmosphere filled with positive energy. They help boost productivity and concentration, making them perfect for any workspace. They also improve your indoor environment by purifying and replenishing the air.

Favorite Varieties of Succulents



Echeveria succulents are some of the most commonly used. They’re often found in succulent gardens, potted on their own, and are even added to floral arrangements as surprising accents. They all have a starburst-like shape, but colors and textures vary depending on the type of echeveria. Colors include shades of green, red, pink, and even black. Leaf textures vary from round to pointed, smooth to crinkled, and tubular to stick-like.

Echeveria Succulents

Echeveria Succulents


Graptosedums grow in pretty clusters of rosettes in a variety of striking colors, most notably the blushing pink of the alpenglow variety of graptosedum. These succulents spread quickly, making them a good choice for ground cover to fill in a succulent garden or to hold a succulent wall planter or wreath together.

Succulent - Graptosedum

Succulent – Graptosedum

Succulent - Green Graptoveria

Succulent – Green Graptoveria z


Jade plants are one of the most popular types of succulents. They do well potted on their own, but will also thrive with a group of other succulents. They have brown stems and green leaves that make them look like miniature trees. Fully grown, they can reach up to about three feet tall. Jades are also oddly long-lasting. When properly cared for, a single jade plant can outlive its owners. They often turn into heirloom plants that passed down from generation to generation.

Jade Plant

Jade Plant

How to Grow Healthy Succulents Inside

Succulents basically thrive on neglect. They’re adapted to live in the desert, which mean they don’t need much water. They don’t really need to be pruned, either. In a container that will drain easily, pot succulents in low-nutrient soil formulated for cacti or succulents. Place them in a warm, sunny location where they won’t be exposed to too many cold drafts or frosty windows.

Water them sparingly. When you do water a succulent, be sure to apply the water directly to the soil, rather than pouring it over the plant. Soak soil thoroughly and let it drain completely to prevent plants from sitting in a soggy pot. Allow the soil to dry completely before watering again.

Succulent – Sempervivum Royanum

If a succulent’s leaves start turning brown or yellow, this is a sign of distress. This frequently occurs due to over-watering but can also indicate extreme thirst. Check the soil’s moisture level and contact an expert at Schaaf Floral for help.