Schaaf Floral

Schaaf Floral

Posted by Schaaf Floral on August 15, 2017 | Last Updated: August 21, 2017 Uncategorized

Sapphire Flowers, September Asters

September AstersEvery month gives us the opportunity to celebrate our loved one’s birthdays in special fashion, with birthstone and birth flowers selected specifically for that month. In September, we turn to the sapphire and the aster as the month’s ambassadors. These provide the inspiration for birthday bouquets and floral arrangements from Schaaf Floral that are uniquely beautiful.

September Asters: The September birth flower is the aster, a daisy-like bloom which exhibits familiar ray petals and bright colors. Asters bloom in late summer and autumn, when many other flowers are done for the season.

September Sapphires: The sapphire is one of the world’s most coveted precious stones, sought after as far back as the era of the ancient Romans and Greeks. The brilliant blue gems are found across the globe, and although they also come in other hues, it is the iconic blue which has brought it fame. 

september asters

The sapphire is often the inspiration for uniquely beautiful floral designs. “Sapphire blue” doesn’t occur in many flowers naturally, but when birthday bouquets utilize this hue, the result is truly striking. If someone close to you is celebrating a September birthday, be sure to give us a call. We would love to help you to select the perfect flowers.

To create sapphire blue floral bouquets, you can turn to several varieties of flowers. Blue delphinium, forget-me-nots, blue iris and blue hydrangea are popular choices, and September asters also occur in shades of blue and purple. And although most of the blue orchids sold here in the United States are generally dyed, they are truly beautiful.

Whether you choose to celebrate your loved one’s birthday with asters, with a sapphire blue floral design, or with a custom arrangements of their favorite variety – you can be trust the expertise of the team at Schaaf Floral.