When it comes to offering a get well bouquet, nothing but the brightest blooms in the bunch will do. We here at Schaff Floral are talking red, orange, yellow . . . the colors that telegraph the most optimism and vibrancy. Flowers have the ability to lift our spirits and literally breathe life into a room, both oxygenating the air and introducing some nature. At a time when your recipient may be home or hospital bound, a dash of cheerful flowers is just the thing to perk them up.
We love a piece like our Morning in Sorrento because it is as bright as it comes without being overwhelming. This is exactly the sort of arrangement we can see working perfectly on a bedside table or posing on a sunny windowsill, where it will be shown off to best advantage. The roses, lilies, daisies and carnations here commingle happily, and the entire design reminds us of spring.
This cold and flu season, you’re bound to have an occasion to reach out to a family member or friend and make their day a bit better through flowers. Call on us at Schaff Floral to help you find the cheeriest, brightest arrangement to do just that.